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As You Long For Happiness

copyright(c)2019 Daneille Gray Snowden

As You Long For Happiness
from Daneille Gray Snowden

LIFE ... how we approach each new day, circumstance, relationship; just any venture seems to have all one common denominator: Pursuing happiness!

We get up in the morning, and for me - I want to get my tasty cup of coffee and start my day with Jesus. I then plan my schedule and my thoughts long for happiness, with all I do. 

Let me clarify; happiness for me is fulfillment. Fulfilling what I believe God has created me to be. 

What if though, those plans flop? What if it seems to take your entire life and in your minds eye view; ya never accomplish that purpose or purposes you believe God had for you?

How about beginning another amazing new chapter in your life; one you waited years for;  only to see it change dramatically?!?!

Simple questions that truly is the sustenance of our hearts! I love looking into people's eyes; for they are the windows to the soul. I  don't care who they are; a young woman at the store, a waitress, a coworker and a family member; I can see if they are beaming with happiness or their spirits are in distress. In the Bible this is called discernment. 

When I study them; my spirit seems to get filled up from the Throne of God and this love bubbles up and I connect with them. 

Lately, I find myself one of those people; needing to figure out so much. 
All my life; I have felt the Call of God to minister His Love all over the world. It became who I was.

I married after college; we went into the pastoral ministry for 31 years. We went to some places in my own heart I would have never wanted to go or stay. Yet, God brought people into our lives who will forever be a part of who I am today. 

Tonight, as I sat on the front porch of this beautiful home in the country; a soft summer breeze blew on my face as I stared at the tall trees and blue sky. 
God knew my heart was heavy with so many things happening to our family and myself. 

I just shook my head with bewilderment. The sweet Holy Spirit spoke ever so gently to my spirit. 

Who am I to be so honored on how He shows His love to me?!
It was simple; he reminded me of the truths of life. Of what fulfillment really is and how He designed life to be lived out.

Ya know folks; we got it all wrong. We base our life on destinations. On accomplishments and events.  Even though these things do come around, we don't sit there do we? We keep moving on; walking through life.

"In that path"; the Lord said, "is where I called you. The path, the journey, the little moments that add up to all our lives." We feel like we have failed when we don't get somewhere fast enough. Or we let others down because we were not there, or made mistakes. That is not how we are to measure life, fulfillment and HAPPINESS. 

The Lord said; "every day - these moments when you take the time to look up to ME, to read my word and wait in my presence. This is happiness; being still and knowing ME. 
Also, being still and listening to another share their hearts, or being still, peering into their souls."

I personally; seemingly have hit some road blocks getting somewhere I believed I was suppose to be. Yet, these blockades were beyond my control; and are definitely in the Hands of the all powerful God I serve. 

God has told me; "I knew where you would be. More importantly; I knew how your heart would hurt. I know the turns of your life and you are feeling the years surmounting deep within. 

This is where I want you; because it draws you even deeper within me. As you are drawn deeper within me; then others are drawn to me. This my dear child is where that TRUE FULFILLMENT of life you long for. This shall birth that joy and profound happiness as this revelation comes to light."

I hope this revelation has touched you dear reader; I hope it reconstructs your own heart as you long for happiness. This is where it lays...enjoy the journey. Love others, worship God and walk ever so meticulously ready to reach out to others who need His Love. 



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