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  Always learning! ‘LIVING IN A PLACE OF FORGIVENESS’ Wow! Sometimes it’s not too hard, other times it is a battle! It is active! It’s a choice! It’s a mindset! It DOES NOT MEAN WE AGREE WITH PEOPLE OR WHAT THEY DID (or do) when we forgive someone! Understand this, that there is freedom in forgiveness! I’m talking here about the person who was ‘wronged’ - forgiving and attaining a freedom by doing so! By trusting the fact that God will deal with that person who had wronged us, and know we’ll experience lightened hearts after it has been hurt. How can we live constantly in this place? By having the mind of Christ! That old acronym WWJD (what would Jesus do/or say or how He would act ); should be our response over and over again.  John 3:30: "He must increase, but I must decrease" Jesus is our prime example isn’t He? Have ones lied to you? Cheated? Deceived you? Talked about you? Stolen from you? Even physically harmed you? All as Jesus was? Definitely people will indeed rea...
Recent posts

He Is Our Peace!

He is my peace! Really!!! Jesus IS my peace! But how? One way is I have to constantly throw ALL my cares (which are surmountable) on Him! Also - (like I wrote the other day) we gain peace by living in a place of forgiveness! If we have unforgiveness- we can’t have peace. We gain peace by ‘letting-go of our control!’ All by allowing God to work things all together (for our good). Sounds easy doesn’t it, but sometimes we battle our emotions, and we battle wanting to fix things ourselves. Then the frustrations, and pressures arise, stealing our peace we once had. The devil is working OVERTIME to torment our minds, the Lord simply says to “Be still and know that I AM God!” When we are still and truly KNOW Him, the enemy is defeated and God’s peace stills the storms in our lives! [Ps 46:10/Rom. 8:28/Phil. 4:7/Eph. 2:14-17 ] ~ Daneille Snowden

When Peter Sank

  When Peter Sank Revelation from God to Daneille                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Watch on YouTube I have been feeling overwhelmed regarding the suffering my family is going through & believe me, it’s serious! In that, I have felt my...


  (c)Daneille Gray Snowden 2024 by Daneille Snowden God is stirring in my heart more and more about prayer. I know, we all as Christian got the 1.1 on prayer! Seriously, I feel the Lord awakening His people to the simple and yet deep truth of praying to Him with profound expectation.   The time we spend in His presence, the pouring out of our hearts, the worship in not only our words but even our thoughts, and also in recognizing Him as our Abba Father, our Great Creator our King, our Healer and of course our Friend! This time transforms our minds and spirits and takes us to a depth in Him,  where we are unshakeable in our faith.  Expectancy is certainty! We are absolutely certain that GOD'S GOT THIS! Trusting in the fact, He will act in His Way and Time! And to be at peace with the entire process! RIGHT? Our entire thought life must be attuned to what God's expectations / Will is. "If we ask anything, ACCORDING TO HIS WILL He hears us! ( 1 Jn. 5:14 ) His expect...


Did you ever read this verse in John 15:2 and think, "that's extreme, can't we just hold onto these extra branches that grew once and bore amazing, fruit?" I have definitely !   Then life happens! In that life, we make a decision to dig deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Yet, as we do, we face obstacles (or that's what we called them) that challenged us to trust Jesus to do what He wills in our lives.  I believe this place is a milestone in the timeline of our lives. Will we continue to walk ever so close to the Lord, realizing as we do, He will prune us? Will we desire to be producers of His fruit and life flow through us? Many of us realize that this means more obstacles, cuts, bleeding, times of dormancy and simple hurt.  This is when the milestone comes; will we accept this pruning and be fruitful or just become branches that become brittle, and ragged?  A lot of questions to ponder, but I feel God wants to use each and everyone of His childr...

Thank You For Asking

(c)Daneille Gray Snowden 2022 Today, I was deeply touched in my heart when a dear friend asked how my husband was. I did not mention it first, out of the blue; she asked about something dear to my heart. This wasn't the first time as she has  asked about different matters in my life several times. May I tell you how that made me feel? It made me feel cared for, loved and set back how someone cares intensely about me and my life. How often do you personally experience such care and interest from others? And, as I ask myself this too; how often do we reach out and ask others how they are? When people as a whole reach out in such a way, we see the creation power of God as hearts are connected to one another and a strong foundation is beginning to be built for a lasting relationship.  I love it when I hear conversations in church  or in my home when I  listen to their questions of wanting to learn of others situations, experiences, needs and even joys. The questioner...


I recall as my husband and I would hike up rocky terrain several times through-out the years (all across our country and world); how we marveled in the majestic feel and power of the topography it all encompassed . Even a year ago, we climb high rocks on the Congo River in the DRC, that was a bit different. When we finally mounted the top of one of the largest  rocks, a feeling of respect arose as the torrential river was swarming all around.  Psalms 18:2 is a portrait of our God, as we stay within His Presence, and grasp onto His Word; which is life. There are eight promises all condensed into this verse.  "The  Lord  is my rock, my  fortress , and the One who rescues me; My God,  my rock   and  strength in whom I trust  and  take refuge;  My  shield , and the horn of my salvation, my  high tower —my  stronghold ."  Psalms 18:2 Today, the Lord led me to this promise as my husband is traveling in Africa...