copyright(c)2016 Daneille Gray Snowden
Imagine this, you get injured and have an open wound that possibly sliced some nerves and ligaments.
Yet, you are just too busy to properly get it fixed which would entail; stitching, repairs, antibiotics and most importantly time to heal (including therapy).
As time goes by the outer wound heals after fighting off pain plus possible infection. Yet, if not attended too; a torn ligament for example, can result in weakness in the muscles. Eventually, it could even affect and injure the muscles and tendons trying to compensate for the weakness of the 'un-healed' injury.
Recently, the Lord took me to this particular issue of un-healed wounds. He showed me how it's up to us if we are truly healed within. He gives us a 'REMEDY' to follow.
"He lets me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.
He refreshes and restores my soul (life);..."
He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.
He refreshes and restores my soul (life);..."
Ps. 23:2,3a
This is a remedy to a wounded heart! It's the 'time' to heal; a therapy that 'STILLS' us enough to HEAL, plus be strengthen. Our culture measures success on 'staying-busy'; if you are not you are regarded as lazy, basically wasting your time. Instead of listening to the leading of God's Word; we bid to the craziness of a spinning world as we chase after each crisis and daily activities.
Let's take a look at what the 'GREEN PASTURES' & 'STILL WATERS' are:
He leads by His tender guidance - [He leads, less I wander.]
"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."
Isaiah 40:11
This brings sustenance, providing rest, and enjoying tranquility, peace, and safety; in the green pastures.
Photo by Tabitha Carin Snowden |
*TENDER GRASS was the 'first-shoots' that were tender enough to not only walk on, but also to lay upon. Plus, it was the most nutritious grass to feast for the shepherd's weary sheep.
The green pastures; "literally means, in grassy homesteads - " the richer, oasis-like spots, where a homestead would be fixed in a barren tract of land." THE BEST!
Think about this for a moment; this takes time and using that restful, time to be fed, strengthened and restored to completeness.
Where do we go for healing? Is it somewhere like this? Peaceful, quiet, nourishing???
Think about it; seriously -- as ministers and even Christians where do we go? Do we watch a movie?
Play games, or go work even more?
This is the place the shepherd:
-Counts His sheep.
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-Pours healing oils and ointments on their wounds.
-Makes sure they are eating and drinking.
-He comforts them all.
Many times shepherds were known to sing to their sheep, which caused them to feel safe and calm. He would prod with His staff those who needed to be moved out of danger and into a closer place with Him.
Oh, we sheep can be quite stubborn and more so, those of us who have been deeply wounded think we can 'keep going!' NOT SO! Remember the scenario stated above!
My daughter had broke her leg as she was spending the night at a friends house. She had been jumping on a little trampoline and 'SNAP!' But, she continued to play on it because she didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay and have fun with her friend...EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS IN PAIN!
Of course the next day; after being home for several hours she showed me her leg which was purple and swollen. She kept jumping on a broken leg; causing even more injury.
Can we just listen to our SHEPHERD; to the One Who made us ...
"For he knoweth our frame;..."
Ps. 103:14
I love that old worship chorus: "Let's take time, to wait upon the Lord. Let's take time to listen to His Voice. Unless the Lord builds the House, we labor in vain; so let's take time to wait upon the Lord."
I have said it and I know just about everyone else has too; "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT, TO REST AND LAY BESIDE THE STILL WATERS."
YET...we are the same folks who grumble and complain, or cry over our wounded hearts and needs.
It reminds me of a typical individual who longs to loose weight, and learns about the 'how-to' the do's and don'ts; but still doesn't make the efforts to follow it. Then complains about not feeling good and being over-weight. [I know, I've done that! 😉]
Look at Psalms 23:1
"The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me],
I shall not want."
I shall not want."
Then verse 2b :
The Lord kinda gave me HIS FATHERLY TONE; when I wanted to declare I have not had the time or place to be HEALED (and strengthened). "I have limited time, income and resources"; I told Him.
"Then dear one; YOU ARE NOT ALLOWING ME TO LEAD YOU!" He replied.
What we are telling God, is I rather just go on with my un-healed wounds, and even cause more instability in my life than to trust YOU FATHER, to take me to those 'still-quiet places'; for healing.
'The place of TIME and even space; where He can take HIS TIME in HIS PRESENCE to operate on our inner being.'
~Daneille Snowden
~Daneille Snowden
We clearly see, written by one of the wisest men ever to live that TIME for every purpose is DESIGNED by our ALL-MIGHTY / ALL-KNOWING God! [Ecclesiastes 3:1-8] Verse 3b says:
"...a time to heal;..."
Yet, we still won't 'BE STILL' enough to HEAL! Hear the Lord crying out to His children; FOLLOW ME, and wherever I take you, I will CARE for you. Even when we need to rest beside the still waters and have healing balm applied to our hearts: trust God with everything else. Life is not going to end there; it's just a period of time set aside for healing and restoration.
Remember, every TIME has it's PURPOSE. Let's not miss out on the purpose the Shepherd has for LEADING US beside the still waters, and tender pastures. Oh His Words will speak VOLUMES to our souls; His anointing oil will cleanse and mend our hearts, His Spirit will infuse His sweetness causing us to sing and dance again!
Take time, if you know you've been wounded and never took out the proper time and place to be healed; ask the Lord to lead. Allow Him to open your ears to hear and feet prepped, ready to go wherever He leads.
By E. W. Blandy
"Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way."
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way."
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