I LOVE where the Spirit takes me in my daily Bible Journaling time!
Today it comes from Isaiah 11:14 "...they fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines...and they shall 'spoil' them..." -- Like BIRDS OF PREY...swooping down upon the enemy to take them.
It is also is applied as we face ADVERSITY; 'we-are-advanced', as well as the Gospel is advanced-FORWARD! Read the story of 'HANDEL' - as he was in poverty, facing prison, paralyzed in one hand - then he wrote 'The Messiah'. Paul shared in Philippians 1:12 How his situation - ADVANCED THE GOSPEL!
Back in Isaiah when the prophet used the word: FLY...it correlates with speed, even agility! It's RAPID & CERTAIN CONQUEST!
Are you facing adversity? If not, you will - that is part of life.
Adhere to God's Word here: Fly on the shoulders of your enemy!
Remember, God promised wings of eagles to SOAR... but also to SWOOP! ~From the Holy Spirit through Daneille Snowden
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