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Restless - A Word From The Lord

 Daneille Gray Snowden(c) copyright 2021  

The Lord popped the word 'restless' in my heart pointing to my restless soul! I questioned, why does this come upon us, it is not the ‘state’ we are to be in?

The Lord said, “I can help you be-still as you STAY in My Hands. I can settle you down and bring rest to your soul; as a parent does with his child.”

He continues to say, “This includes the MIND, that then affects the heart and essentially your hands and feet.

Think of a boat on the restless waters as it is shaken on the rough waves. This world is restless waters. There will always be tumult within it.

My Hands is where you must find yourself in! 'Still' you mind with this, as you feed upon My Word and invite My Spirit in to fill you completely.

And there your soul will not only find rest, but also My Purpose! Do this, as I lead you either quickly or slowly; here you will comprehend godly patience and peace.

All-in-all, I lead, and I shall take you to those places where connections will occur.

Know this: I will provide each need for each new step!

Start each day with your thoughts surrendered to Me. Push your thoughts aside; and flood your mind with My Word.

Your heart is full of weariness, sadness and feeling so tired. “Don’t let your heart be troubled, there are trials, but know: I have overcome the world!” (John 14:1)

NOTE: I said the world was like the tossing sea (waters). I spoke to the waters many times.

In Gen. 1:6-7 During the creation I said: “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, let it separate the waters from the waters…” In 2 Sam. 22:16; “The channels of the sea appeared…by the rebuke of the Lord. Prov. 8:29 “He set the sea as the boundaries.” I also spoke to the stormy sea in Mk. 4:35-41 “Peace, be still!”

Let My Presence, My Voice and My Hands do the work. Just simply stay close to Me!

Hearts and minds are swirling like the waters; that is because the outside has come in!

The only waters I meant to be within you was my Living Water; the River of God, to flow to deep within your soul. Recall, you were created to be living temples where My presence dwells. (Ps. 46:4Jn. 7:37-39)

As this happens; you can then move about in life and witness fruit that will abound naturally. Souls will come to Me through you.

Your needs will naturally be met, especially because your needs will coincide with whom I created you to be. (Phil. 4:19)

Know that I am God, and I change not! That I am looking for those who shall worship plus serve Me in Spirit and in truth all their days.

Lay aside any and everything that will entangle your soul. (Heb. 12:1)

Climb into My Hands and be who I have made you to be.”


From the Lord

March 15, 2021


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