Daneille Gray Snowden(c) 2021
Life Is Short
I recall standing over my mama when she died in my arms, as she was the age I am now.
My own father would tell me how important it was to always keep open communication with your family and loved ones, to never let the sun go down on your wrath. "Say what you need to say to them as often as you can." He would passionately teach us this.
Thus, I grew up with this mentality too.
My dad's emphasis set-in with his story of his own father passing away. His dad was sick and in the hospital. No one realized how sick he was. Dad was pastoring and his church was in a revival. He went to visit grandpa who begged him to stay. My dad told him, "I will come back soon dad, but I have to set up the church for the revival." Well, you can likely guess that grandpa didn't last long enough. My dad never got to say his goodbye's. His difficult experience burned in my soul.
We must always say; I love you. Never leave one another in anger. And the biggest healing action is communicate; which is talk and listen. Hear the heart of your loved one speaking, really hear them. Bite your tongue, listen to wisdom and love speak. Talk, share your heart - ya know deep calls to deep. When that heart speaks, the other heart receives it.
I needed to share this. It's an effort to help heal relationships everywhere. Time is too short. Let's not have regrets.
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