Always learning! ‘LIVING IN A PLACE OF FORGIVENESS’ Wow! Sometimes it’s not too hard, other times it is a battle! It is active! It’s a choice! It’s a mindset! It DOES NOT MEAN WE AGREE WITH PEOPLE OR WHAT THEY DID (or do) when we forgive someone! Understand this, that there is freedom in forgiveness! I’m talking here about the person who was ‘wronged’ - forgiving and attaining a freedom by doing so! By trusting the fact that God will deal with that person who had wronged us, and know we’ll experience lightened hearts after it has been hurt. How can we live constantly in this place? By having the mind of Christ! That old acronym WWJD (what would Jesus do/or say or how He would act ); should be our response over and over again.  John 3:30: "He must increase, but I must decrease" Jesus is our prime example isn’t He? Have ones lied to you? Cheated? Deceived you? Talked about you? Stolen from you? Even physically harmed you? All as Jesus was? Definitely people will indeed rea...
Devotions, Helpful Hints for Godly encouragement toward your personal life and for the family. Objective: For individuals to find hope and strength they need. For families to receive godly wisdom and advice on how to teach and raise their children. Daneille is an ordained minister and Bible teacher.