Calling all recruits... ( a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces)! God is looking for men, woman & children who want to be actively fighting the fight of faith! Come one, come all--join God's Glorious Army! Do you remember a song sung by the group Acappella called; Army of the Lord ? I loved listening to it when I was a freshly graduated Bible school student, just married my soul mate and we were going out together to FIGHT for God and win great victories! Oh yea...we were pumped! Then life happened. As it did, we became a bit on the tired side, and yes SIR-very weary in battle. Today, in this millennium, the meaning of fighting the fight of faith has been morphed into a pansy-wansy-wimpy Christian life style. When God needs His soldiers, majority are not in the FIELDS OF WAR...or in other terms the fields needing to be harvested. They are many at the M.A.S...