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Showing posts from September, 2016


HEALED FOR A PURPOSE Watch our video of God's divine healing of Pastor Brad Snowden. Through it...and I mean THROUGH the healing God opened the door and called us to Africa! Watch


copyright (c) Daneille Gray Snowden 2016 PRAISE HIM ANYWAYS God's really 'got' this!                            How has life with it's UPS & DOWNS, taught you? Well, better way to put it; have we learned through the lessons God teaches us through the storms and sunny days? It's important isn't it? For our sanity, health, peace and even for others.  --- Ok - so we are wading through sewage backed up. Brad is digging this all up by hand (have to wait till Julie comes to use a backhoe). Looks like a complete plumbing job (ha with no pay $...but the payback is being able to ... use our facilities). Then, there is the car- our wonderful car God paid for. She is sick; old blueberry has transmissions problems. Beyond my dh's methods to fix it (as he usually does) Cost looks like a couple thous.  Now, just a couple years ...