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Showing posts from March, 2018

Having An Eternal Mindset

copyright(c) 2018 Daneille Gray Snowden 2018 Having An Eternal Mindset Today we visited with my elderly father & stepmom. I know the days are numbered on how many times I get to do this. He pulled out a file with some of my mother’s old letters & Bible studies (she passed away 26 years ago as I was giving her cpr). In it was a song God gave him in a dream when she passed away; ‘She’s not gone; she’s in heaven so am I..” He teared up as he sang it to our girls. I felt so heavy in my heart when I left. I whispered to Jes us; please give me more of an eternal perspective- knowing it won’t be long for all who know Jesus as their Savior to be in Heaven. I looked up and saw this sky and felt an amazing peace. Oh God; may I always keep my heart with this eternal focus! Peter 1:13-15 “Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”


copyright(c) 2018 Daneille Gray Snowden 2018 KNOWING THE PURPOSE GOD DESIGNED FOR YOU Want peace, fulfillment, a deep joy and just satisfaction in life (daily)? KNOW THE PURPOSE GOD DESIGNED YOU FOR! 1) BY KNOWING HIM & HIS WORD! 2) KNOW WHY & THAT WE WERE MADE IN HIS IMAGE. (Gen.1:26-27) 3) Fulfill your call & purpose for you (not your own). Example: King Solomon (the richest king), who had it all in riches, wives, concubines, & popularity; still at the end of his life realized his emptiness. He concluded the only WORTHWHILE LIFE IS ONE THAT HONORS AND OBEYS GOD! [Eccl. 12:13-14] It’s a good thing to reflect; does my life honor Him (or me)? Do I daily live out what He lovingly created me for? Am I listening & obeying His voice as He tries to lead us (or do I listen and just do what I want)? May we all lay our heads down at night, full of great satisfaction knowing we have lived out our day according to God’s Purpose & Plans for our precious ...

God says; “Set Thy Course By My Promises!”

copyright(c) 2018 Daneille Gray Snowden 2018 God says; “Set Thy Course By My Promises !” Quote from Come Away My Beloved: “Hold to my promises. They are given to thee as a chart is given to a ship... Ye May Set thy course...’by the way’ of my promises.” Ps. 16:11 “God will show me the path of life.” Heb. 13:21 The God of peace will make me COMPLETE in every good work TO DO His WILL...”

‘The Treck To Jerusalem’

copyright(c) 2018 Daneille Gray Snowden 2018 ‘The Treck To Jerusalem’  I entitled a recent Bible study: ‘The Treck To Jerusalem’ (before Palm Sunday). This last walk was likely Jesus’ 7th time there. A ‘5-day’ journey from Nazareth. Walking to His betrayals (deep hurts), to torture, being all alone, + painful & long crucifixion. Yet, it was HIS MISSION! His focus on that 5 Day walk was still others! We see that 70 more were called into service, the 10 lepers Healed, etc. Many of us are walking this last treck! Where is our mission focus? Retirement or moving forward and touching as many lives with Christ’s Love, Praying for others for healing, spreading the Gospel so more will know how to live (know they have a loving Savior)! KEEP WALKING! As Jesus walked many hills & valley’s on His path; so do we. Make HIS MISSION yours, spend your life to the end; to declare: “For God so loved the world, that He gave us His only Son; that whosoever believes in Him...