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Showing posts from January, 2011


I wrote this a few years back: simple message yet so very true!  © Daneille Snowden THE ESSENCE OF WORSHIP 6.21.07 FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH HIS DAUGHTER DANEILLE SNOWDEN       Somehow, we have lost the essence of worship. It’s like eating with no smell or flavor. It’s going through the motions without realizing the power, the love and Presence of God longing to enter in.      The true essence of worship is non-existence in families even for those who do have a time in the Word and song. Why is that? Because of having the patience, endurance and heart to wait upon the Lord. Thus, children and even adults will not truly experience what God has longed for them: true fellowship with His children. If children do push on with their walk with the Lord they may experience this periodically at church or small prayer groups within the church means.      This brings us to not just who, but how often as well…how...

WHAT'S COMING UP ON 'SnowDEN With the Fam'

I want to up-date you on the goals I believe the Lord has given me for this blog site . I will be pulling out some articles from my archives. Ones that have been published, others I have taught on in churches as well as woman's groups. Some will be just devotional, others will be Biblical study and then at times I will focus on one of many passions I have and that is home schooling (my full time job). The Lord has been so very patient with me. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a writer. He blessed me with the opportunity editing for my school newspaper, writing for others here and there as well as magazines. I love to teach God's Word. Humbly I will say, that God has instilled within me a strong passion for teaching God's Word in whatever theme/topic He directs. I long to see God's People to have an in-tense hunger for God's Word by studying it daily and taking to this needy world we live in. we go! I do hope this blesses you and makes a true...

Really Snowed In?

ONE OF MY ANGELS MAKING A SNOW ANGEL I am constantly reading posts on my face book how everyone longs for the warm sunshine and green grass. It seems  in almost all over the United States it's cold! Here in the good old Midwest we have seen more snow than we have for years. Yet, I am old enough to remember the big snow storms in the mid 70's. I remember walking in snow,  hip deep. I wasn't home schooled like my children are, so when we got snow it was; "Yipee! NO SCHOOL!"  So, we would make snowmen, throw mean snowballs at each other and go sledding. I loved when daddy would take my baby brother and I to places with big hills. We had our Royal Racer (wooden sled) and dad would give us a big push and 'swoosh' down we went. I don't understand why other than a nose that was numb, I do not recall feeling cold at all. My mind just recalls all the fun and being with my favorite people in the world! Desperate to get out of the house rece...


What are they? Your goals, what you want to see achieved by next year? Are they in reach or way way out in the unseen yet hopeful world? You wanna be a size 5? You wanna take some classes and learn a new skill? How about a face lift? lol Let me know...share them with me and I will post them here. Then next year we can re-evaluate ourselves. Personal stuff...we shall keep that where it should (between you and God). I go: FOR ME : 1.) To loose about 30 lbs. 2.) Maybe jog a mile & still breath normal. 3.) Write articles for some more magazines and newspapers. 4.) Consistent praying & in God's Word deeper on a daily basis. 5.) Play time more with my kids. 6.) Souls...touch more souls than ever in my life for the Kingdom of God. 7.) Preach/Teach more so. 8.) Learn a new skill...but  don't know what..who knows maybe karate--lol. Or how to shoot a gun, that sounds like fun! 9.) To be an accomplished vegan cook. 10.) To smile, laugh everyday! FAMILY...