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Showing posts from April, 2013


HUSBANDS; AVOID BEING PRODDED! By Sharing Your Heart by Daneille Gray Snowden    When I lived in Texas for a few years, I had the opportunity to sit and watch a few cattle auctions. It was there that I concentrated on how small men would maneuver their HUGE longhorns into the arena. In their hand they held a cow prod. With a little zap the 2500 lb cow was instantly inspired to move with a little "mooo" and walked where led. Quite impressive!     As a wife I know there have been more than countless times I have used my prod (my tongue, and batting eye lashes) to try to maneuver my husband in places I wanted. The initial thought is absolutely wrong and I can testify at least in the beginning unintentional  But, the reasons behind this vigor lays deeper. They were things such as 'being on the same page', sharing deepest thoughts, hopes, dreams and the list could continue forever that were my reasons for the prod.    Husba...


WORDS FITLY SPOKEN [SPEAKING AFFIRMING WORDS TO OUR CHILDREN] by Daneille Gray Snowden Proverbs 25:11 " A word fitly spoken  and  in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver." It's been my hearts desire to share with my readers the essential need to affirm our children with words of grace dripping from our lips. With arms that are always ready to hold our child tightly. As well as eyes that peer into the windows of our children's souls, and ears to hear their hearts as they share with you.  Many of us inherit our parenting skills from our own  progenitor . A lot of what we do is what was unconsciously (seemingly) transmitted into our own motherly or fatherly character. Some of the character attributes are quite positive, others...well nicely put --- absolutely STINK! For example; yelling, reacting in anger, expectations we exude; but are not according to the godly traits God has laid out in His Word and so on.  When we REACT ...


Check out our new ministry 'HOPE FOR THE GENERATIONS' at our blog. My husband has a couple of messages he has preached at our church. He reminds me so much of George Whitfield who was known as theatric/expression moving preacher. The anointing has only increased since he has been facing the most difficult time in his life. You can read my past blogs on how my husband's health has been severely stricken. When we are in public he is in a wheel chair, but when this man preaches he is unstoppable...because of the anointing. Even this message he had been in tremendous pain the entire weekend, (throwing-up for days). Yet, look at the miracle here; how God's Power still flows! [Our site:  please check it out.] LIFE ABUNDANT Hope for the Generations Pastor Brad Snowden Brad ask that you ignore the expression that Youtube caught on this video. With a chuckle in his voice.