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Showing posts from February, 2011

Excerpts from: RADICAL Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream

Excerpts from: RADICAL  Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream Book by David Platt Reviewed by Daneille Snowden I have been slowly reading a book by David Platt that has inspired me-back to the vision my husband and I once had. I really want to encourage you to pick up this book either through Amazon or a local book store, hey maybe even the library. Here are some quotes that made my eyebrows raise, as a minister-sarcastically chuckle and really get my heart back where it needs to be. P. 49 Points out the American Dream Mentality: " doesn't require the power of God to draw a crowd in our culture." "First we need good performance." -entertainment driven To hold the crowds that will come: " a multimillion dollar facility to house the performance." :...once the crowds get there, we need to ... start programs..." -- p. 99 R &R= Receivers or Reproducers? Which one are we? -- p. 108   Stats on Pov...

How Do You Want Your Son to Treat His Wife?

(C) Daneille Snowden My 19 yr. old son when he was born with his daddy in 1991 How Do You Want Your Son to Treat His Wife?                                                  By Daneille Snowden (God is the inspiration.) I love to read books in almost all the genre's out there (not a big fiction fan though). One of my favorites are help books on family; with of course a Biblical emphasis. God has blessed us with many teachers in the area of raising a godly family. We do have our favorites. Yet, books are not the only teacher! I am sure you will agree with me that time and experience do rate up to the #1 Spot; those teachers are ones who have successfully and unsuccessfully raised children. I found myself analyzing, listeni...

